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Class of 1974 for Sunstroke Magazine Vol. 4




Most Likely to
Laugh at a Funeral

Liam Tiemeyer
"40s and Shorties"

Arianna Zuehl
"I've seen God. I've felt his power. He plays drums for Led Zeppelin and his name is John Bonham, baby!" 

Eden Caine
"Tell me about it, stud."

Lizzy Shoup
"Shit Big"

Eliana Davis
"Drop acid, not bombs!"


Most Likely to
Stand you up

Rhema Patterson
*Sentenced to 5 years in prison

Brooke Flemming
"If I could run across the beach into my own arms, I would"

Corbin Stern
"Jesus Christ, What Happened?"

Ethan Wynner
"Become immortal then die"

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